ProjectWise Administrator Help

To Set Licensing Owner Organization

The owner organization is set when the organization will be billed for users that have been assigned the "Datasource owner provides license" user licensing option. (See To Set Licensing and Entitlement for a User.)

If the owner organization is not configured, then administrators will receive a reminder message during login, stating that "This datasource has no licensing organization set. Users configured to be licensed by datasource owner will not be able to login. Please refer to "Licensing" section in ProjectWise Administrator Help for more information.". For example,

For more information, see Licensing.

Note: The Administrator account must have either the Co-Administrator or CONNECT Services Admin role assigned in their Bentley user profile. You can verify your role membership at Bentley User Management.
Important: The licensing settings below are intended to be set once, at the beginning of the project, right after the datasource is created. These settings should NOT be changed once you start using the datasource. Changing these licensing settings during production usage of the datasource could result in both organizations being billed in a billing period in which the setting was changed. If you need to change these licensing settings once the datasource is in use, please contact Bentley for assistance.

Follow these steps to set the licensing owner organization.

  1. In ProjectWise Administrator, open the Datasource Properties dialog, select the Licensing tab, and then click Set Organization. For example,
  2. Click Set to confirm the organization, and then click OK to close the Properties dialog.